Friday 27 February 2009


here is my second on blog since i have been working in a restaurant i thought about writing about it. Ok so i here i begin, the place i work is a Hakka Chinese restaurant called Dalchini, it is one the first indian chinese restaurant to be established in London. The restaurant is a kind of mixture of indian ingredients with chinese style, i find this style the most unique as you can cook anything with jus few spices. Just to add something, i have decided to put up a recipe of a dish.
dish: kung pao potatoes
ingredients: potatoe chips or chopped potatoes, tamotoe ketchup or juice, few chilli flakes, cashenuts, scheuan sauce(chilli powder can be used instead of tht), table spoon oil and salt
Cooking the dish: first add the table spoon oil, add chilli flakes, add the tamotoe ketchup, add the chilli powder or scheun sauce, fry it for a while and then add the potatoes, stir it and then add the cashewnuts. Cooking time about roughly 10-15 mins. serve hot and here you ready to eat.
(ps speelling mistakes) and i will try to add a pic of the dish soon
need more recipes contact me..

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