Sunday 1 March 2009

life at restaurant...

In this blog i thought of writing about how it feels like working in a restaurant. I always had dream of becoming a chef and working a hospitality sector,, this dream came through a bit to early i guess. This dream actually cam true when i moved to London. It took me about Year so and then started working in a restuarant as a 'porter', it was rubbish, but i learnt a lot, cutting chopping vegetables etc, i remember one thing though, i was chopping some vegetable's and cut my hand by accident, my manager was standing he said this to 'you are not kitchen virgine anymore'' hahhahha. After about two months i moved on to a different place, at this restaurant i wasn;t a porter but i worked now as a food and beverage handler. It roughly took about two months to learn all soughts of thing. Now i pround of myself and readilu jus put me anywhere and i can work..hahha..jokes a part. Working at this place has thought a me lot, one more interesting thing is is about dealing with different types of customers, some arent the way you want to.. for e.g a bit to rude, a bit show off of their high class etc. The important thing and this helped me a lot to go through these issue sometimes and mostly people ?(customers) do praise me for the job, this helps to realise the fact money isn't the only fact working somewhere i guess and this whole reason helps me to motivate myself and try add more in my work what i do. There are many instance when people who come to my restaurant and polite and they do praise for your work andi thing it is one of the important thing in such types of job's..

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