Friday 27 March 2009


'profession' to me is like a thing to me which you are going to do for your whole life and be stuck with it!!. Profession is basically done or have to do inorder to survive and earn your daily livlihood. Depends on the person, some might be lucky to get inherited,, but some us have to fight are way up. So inorder make sure we are up for it.. we all should think abt it..bfr taking a profession. It can be done actually during childhood seeing how things are getting competitive and tough. In my own words profession is like which someone will be good at it and will enjoy it doing it. This can be developed in ur life.... as there is so much to learn, so its very important to think before you do anything. As things are going rite now..its better someone will be kind of multi-skilled propably.. its better in tht way as u are not stuck with something for ur whole life and then u will be moaning abt it.... So if u think u r not good at something change it.. and go to the other bit and experience u never know ..... u might be good.....unless until u take the risk......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you seem to be getting matured day by day. Nice to read your thoughts about Profession and about taking risk. All the best.